(G) Google With Caution


Today’s post for theA-to-Z Challengeis brought to you by the letter G!

We live in an age where information is at our fingertips. Anything we could want to know is available to us. All of our questions are answered with the pressing of a few buttons. I use the internet for school, chatting with friends, researching products I want to buy… and SO much more.

But really, the accuracy of the information we are getting is not up to snuff. I know people who believe everything they read off the internet, even if the information is obviously false. 

Some of the biggest victims of the ‘Google It’ Era are mothers… I can’t even count how many times Brian has me step away from my computer or phone when I was worried about some symptom I was experiencing while I was pregnant or when I was in my first six weeks postpartum. 

Luckily, I haven’t gotten into this habit with BabyJ. I trust my gut more than the internet. One thing I’ve been culprit of using the internet and the mommy groups on Facebook for are advice on how to handle certain things, such as milk supply drops, upset baby at night, being overtired, etc. Those are the things that aren’t as detrimental. When it comes to medications, treating health conditions, diagnosing health conditions, or something that could really hurt someone… consult a physician. Most children’s health offices have a nurse on call at all times. Use them! I know I have!

Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Who are they? Well, I guess I could go look it up on Google…

Admit it. You’ve googled it. What have been some crazy topics you’ve looked up on Google? Have you come up with anything that is obviously not accurate? Tell me things!

3 thoughts on “(G) Google With Caution

  1. jhwinterauthor says:

    My experience as a mom using Google, is that there are as many things that tell you one thing as tell you another. It’s very difficult to come up with a solid answer when it comes to how to parent or do anything related to babies and kids in general. Great post!


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